Join our Flock, Become a Member! |
Since 2012, Iowa Bird Rehabilitation has been caring for and releasing Iowa’s wild birds. In 12 years we have cared for over 11,000 birds. We are proud to be able to help so many wild birds and be an important resource for the state, but the need for IBR increases 20-25% each year, and we need your help now more than ever.
Many bird populations are experiencing major population declines due to habitat loss, climate change, light pollution, and decrease in food sources. You are who the birds count on for their future, and with your yearly support, we are giving birds a second chance and creating a future for our feathered friends. |
Donate today and become a member of Iowa Bird Rehabilitation. Together we can make a difference.
Benefits of becoming a Flock Member:
All members receive:
10% off IBR merchandise Member only From the Flock monthly updates Early access to IBR events and presentations |
First 200 members, also receive a special thank you from Wild Birds Unlimited Des Moines.
Additional bonus gifts for our habitat levels of support.
Level 1: the lake
$10/month or $100/year Special Flock Member sticker |
Level 2: the prairie
$25/month or $250/year IBR special edition enamel pin Special Flock Member sticker |
Level 3: the wetlands
$50/month or $500/year Member only IBR Flock T-shirt IBR special edition enamel pin Special Flock Member sticker |
Level 4: the forest
$100/month or $1,000/year Unique IBR designed birding journal Member only T-shirt IBR special edition enamel pin Special Flock Member sticker |
Membership launches in November 2023. Bonus items will be available in January 2024.
Monthly and Yearly memberships are recurring transactions.
Monthly and Yearly memberships are recurring transactions.
More information about tipping and fees: HERE